
Shred | Send | Finish It
Recycle | File | Scan
When you want to focus on paper clutter, swap out the action die and use this one instead.
Check with an accountant or place of residence for specific guidelines. Some people will shred old bills, anything with a social security number, or love letters from an old beau.
- Anyone can find your address, focus your shredding on material with sensitive information.
- Keep archival records in banker boxes in a less accessible place.
- Put a note on your calendar in January to shred certain designated papers or files from the year prior.
- Shredding events are popular in the spring and NE Ohio residents can utilize this free service.

Fill out that warranty form, send that sympathy card, or finally make that charity donation.
Set up a mailing station with stamps, envelopes, pens, and return address labels to make sending simpler.
- Do you want to be that person who remembers birthdays?
- Address and stamp cards at the beginning of each month.
- Place a post-it note on the outside to remind you when to send.
- If comfortable, switch some payments to online banking to lessen the paper burden.
Got a tax payment to make? Need to fill out that paperwork for your insurance company? Check it off your list!
- At this time in your life does it make sense to finish-it or ditch-it? Your decision may have changed since you left it undone. Let go and move forward.
- Break down tasks into all the steps and get one step closer to the goal (write the next action on a post-it note and affix to the item).
- Create lists by categories of tasks or by your energy or mood.
- Category examples:
- calls
- errands
- complete forms
- Energy examples
- AM / PM
- weekday / weekend
- requires energy / can be done leisurely

Recycle the expired coupons, past due announcements, and birthday cards from 30 years ago that are hogging surface area in your home.
Have an abundance of greeting cards for others or to you?
Check this out!
c/o Feather Leather Designs
PO Box 670
Twinsburg, Ohio 44087
- Many schools and organizations collect paper and cardboard to recycle and they get paid for their efforts.
Put those recipes, important documents, and receipts away for safekeeping!
- Place your active daily, weekly and monthly files in the most accessible place.
- Rarely used or yearly files
- Consider storing in a closet or storage area of your house.
- Try keeping a basket labeled “to be filed” for these papers and complete the task monthly.
- Ask yourself “how do I intend to use this?” Let your answer guide whether the paper “earns” a file folder.

Make sure you’ve got backup copies of important documents. Have some old family photos you’ve been meaning to save on your computer? Get scanning!
- Create folders on your computer that mirror your paper files.
- Options for organizing digital files:
- Consider scanning items that you can’t bear to part with, and gain more physical space in your home.
Revive | Action | Paper
Number | Area | Reward