Put Away | Discard | Finish It
Recycle | Donate | Sell
Put your items away or find homes for them! Get those books on the shelf, clothes hung, or toys back in their bins.
Put your items away or find homes for them! Get those books on the shelf, clothes hung, or toys back in their bins.
- Some of the best “homes” for things are shoe boxes and things you already own!
- It is wiser to purge before you purchase organizing tools and systems.
- Wholly Organized!® tip #4: Don’t put it down, put it away.

Deciding what you want to throw away is an individual choice. Some ideas are socks with holes, pens that have run out of ink, and anything that smells worse than a gym bag.
Tips & Resources
- Sometimes things must be tossed, I’m giving you permission... You are still a good human.
- TV’s are collected by some trash services - check your local service.
- In this article, Waste Management shares the benefits of landfills.
Unfinished projects and loose ends can be a major energy suck. Organize your recipes in a binder, put the laundry away, or finally replace that lightbulb.
- Watch Lynne demonstrate what it means to finish it! here (youtube video).
Atul Gawande is one of Lynne's favorite authors, get ideas about checklists here!

Recycling options can vary depending on where you live. Whether you’re recycling those old cartons and junk mail or finding a fun way to reuse that empty glass candle jar, the planet thanks you!
- Some communities have extensive recycling centers, like this one in New Jersey!
- Best Buy accepts many electronics, check their list here!
- Try this United States resource to figure out what to do with your recycling.
Got some clothes that don’t match your style anymore? What about a bike that’s been collecting dust or a gift you never used? It's time to donate and make room for something you’ll love!
- Think about who or what you want to help with donations. You can find a charity with a quick google search!
- Helpful guide on what your items are worth for a possible deduction on your taxes.
- Use clear bags to donate clothing, bulky or soft items. These and these are my favorite!

Has that furniture from two apartments ago outstayed it's welcome? Consider putting an ad on a community board or mommy swap site. You might be surprised to find out what they’re worth to someone else!
- Ready to sell?
- Be prepared to take good pictures
- Write accurate descriptions
- Be good with meeting strangers
- Some sites like eBay charge fees
- Popular Online Options
- Local options are a google search away! For the Northeast Ohio folks:
- The Bombshelter Store for your vintage items
- Consigner’s Collection for current household decor.
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